Your AI coding sidekick for XCode!

Your AI coding sidekick for XCode!

Your AI coding sidekick for XCode!

CodelyX suggests code completions in real-time. It also corrects and explains code, translates your natural language into code, and can add comments to it. Utilize the chat feature for further interaction with your code.

Realtime suggestions

CodelyX suggests code completions tailored to your needs in real-time. Use them by simply pressing tab to complete. Additionally, it can convert code comments into code.

Any questions? No problem!

Use the chat feature to ask CodelyX questions or have it generate code for you. You can also send your currently edited code to the chat for further interaction.

Light mode

Dark mode

Interact with your code

Interact with your code

CodelyX corrects, completes, and explains code, adds comments to it, and seamlessly updates the code directly in XCode. Simply configure your Interaction-Hotkey to access all of these functions with one tap.

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*No credit card requires

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*No credit card requires

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*No credit card requires